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Showing posts from 2013

New West Shower House started!!

The footer for the new showerhouse to be located on the west side of the campground was poured late Friday evening, with completion coming after dark. Thanks to the crew, Don Donovan, Peter Donovan, Bob DeCamp, and Dan Baty who go the job done after working all day on their regular jobs. Thanks to the concrete truck drivers who worked late on a Friday evening to get the job done. Thanks and God Bless Each of YOu!! The next step will be getting the foundation block lain up, then install all the drains, fill with sand and pour the floor. If anyone would like to help with any phase of the project, let us know.


TRAIL TIME FBC will be hosting the FBC 5K TRAIL RUN/WALK on Saturday, October 26, 2013 at the FBC Christian Youth Campground.  The route has been mapped out in such a way that participants will be able to enjoy God's beautiful creation.  The terrain will vary, involving winding through the woods and crossing an open field. The Campground, located at 525 E. CR 1200 N., Brazil, IN 47834, has hosted many different types of events in the past, but this is the first of its kind.  Earlier this summer the Brady Shoemaker Baseball Camp was a huge success and excitement about that event has prompted the FBC Events Planning Committee to develop more ways to reach out to the public to create awareness of the campground. As with any venue, expansion and maintenance are always an issue.  FBC Christian Youth Campground is dedicated to being the best it can be while providing an excellent location for groups and churches to share the Word of God.  The 5K TRAIL RUN/WALK is


MORE BRADY SHOEMAKER BASEBALL CAMP NEWS The weather was beautiful; an answer to prayer! We were excited and so were the kids!  All 150 of them! Check-in was the first item on the agenda, followed by getting acquainted with their assigned teams,  and then a devotion and opening prayer given by Pastor Jeff Bridgewater.  Then it was time to hit the field!  Each team went to an assigned station where they were instructed on such things at batting, catching, and fielding. Each station was manned by volunteers with a desire to see children excel in their favorite sport of baseball. And of course the most popular station was the one that Brady manned! While all the kids were learning and having a good time, volunteers were busy serving popcorn to tide everyone over. Many parents and grandparents stayed to watch the fun... and then there were some who were too little to participate, but wanted to be a part of it all... Now, just how cute is this?

Brady Shoemaker Baseball Camp a great success!!

The Brady Shoemaker Baseball Camp held on August 17 at the campground was a overwelming sucess! Approximately 150 boys and girls 7-14 turned out to learn more about the great game of baseball. Brady and all his volunteers were great with the kids as they rotated from station learning more about hitting, fielding and other aspects of the game. The weather was great as parents and grandparents enjoyed watching their youngsters having fun. A great big thank you goes out to all the folks who organized the event, those who donated supplies, and to those who gave of their time to volunteer. Not only does the campground thank you, but all those kids thank you also. God Bless each of you!!


PREPARING FOR THE BIG DAY! The planning committee was hard at work last night putting the finishing touches on the plans for the very first ever Brady Shoemaker Camp!   Parking, ways to make the sign-in as streamlined as possible and the activity stations were just a few of the things we were working hard on last night. Plans were being made to make this event the very best!  Of course we added a little fun... We think we are as excited about this as the kids are!  We just know it will be a great day! Check-in starts at 8:30 AM but we will be ready to go at 8:00 for the early birds. Kids who have been preregistered, remember to bring your equipment and come prepared to learn a lot, have a great time and have a chance to win some really cool prizes!  Brady and his crew are really pumped about this and can't wait to work with you! Here are the details that the registrants for this event need to know: Name of event:  The Inaugural Brady Shoemaker Basebal


EXCITING HAPPENINGS! There are some exciting happenings in the works at the FBC Christian Youth Campground!  First on the agenda is the Country Rhodes Fish Fry to be held August 3, 2013 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM.  Come hungry and leave full!  Funds from this event will be used for projects on the campground.  The first goal is to provide a place where groups can hold their church retreats, camps and meetings drawing people to Jesus Christ and the second goal is to provide a comfortable place in which to do it. Second on the agenda is the Inaugural Brady Shoemaker Baseball Camp!  Hometown favorite Brady is now a Chicago White Sox Minor League Left Fielder and he and local athletes will be sharing their talent with children ages 7 through 14.  They will be conducting workshops in hitting, fielding, throwing and baserunning.  Of course there will be some friendly competitions and prizes!  DETAILS: Event:  Inaugural Brady Shoemaker Baseball Camp Date:  Saturday, August 17

Fish Fry at the campground!!

The campground will be hosting a Country Rhodes Fish on August 3 from 4-7 at the campground.  Come out and enjoy the great food, all you can eat walleye, chicken strips, shrimp and all the sides for $9 per person for adults and $6 for kids 12 and under.  Dessert will be available for an additional cost.  The campground will be open if you wish to look around. Come out, enjoy some great food and see what has been happening!! We will be needing desserts for the fish fry, if you would like to donate them please bring them by or let us know and we will pick them up. Thanks to everyone for their continued support.  God Bless each of you!!


THE BRADY SHOEMAKER BASEBALL CAMP Attention kids!  Warm up those pitching and batting arms!  They need to be in shape for the inaugural Brady Shoemaker Baseball Camp.  The date has been set.  You have until August 17, 2013 to get into shape! Excitement begins at 9:00 AM and will continue to 1:00 PM.  It is for children ages seven through fourteen and is free to participants.  There will be workshops in batting, fielding, throwing and baserunning along with competitions and prizes to be awarded. Local baseball favorite Brady Shoemaker will be headlining the event and is busy now finetuning the plans.  Brady is a Northview High School and Indiana State University graduate who played baseball for the Knights and Sycamores.  Drafted by the Chicago White Sox in 2009, Brady currently plays for the Birmingham Barons, the White Sox Double-A affiliate in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Feeling blessed by all God has given him, Brady Shoemaker is passionate about

Brazil 4th of July

Once again, the campground will be selling their homemade chicken and noodles at the annual 4th of July Festival at Forest Park in Brazil.  We will be serving on July 2 and 3 from 5-9 pm and July 4th from 3-10 pm.  We can use some volunteers to help serve, working in 2 hour shifts. If you can help use out, please call Don Donovan at 765-592-1575 to schedule a time.  Thanks and God Bless!
As we host youth camps thoughout the summer, be in prayer that the kids will have a safe and enjoyable time, but also come to understand God's great love for them.  Our youth of today can always use prayer.

Brazil 4th of July Festival

We will again be serving our homemade chichen and noodles during the annual 4th of July Festival at Forest Park in Brazil on July 2-4th.  If you would like to support the campground and enjoy some great food, come out and have some great homemade food.  If you would like to help us serve, let us know when you are available.

Camps are starting

We will start our camp season in a few days.  Please be in prayer for all the kids and other their adult helpers for safe camps and that the campers will know the word of God is true.

Coming up this fall!

Plans are beginning for a youth sports day camp to be held at the campground.  If you would be interested in working with kids for a day let us know.  Stay tuned for more information.

Country Rhodes Fish Fry on May 4th at the Campground.

Don't forget to stop by the campground on May 4th from 4-7 pm for our Country Rhodes Fish Fry.  All you can eat walleye, shrimp, and chicken, along with sides for $9.00 for adults and $6.00 for kids 12 and under.  Dessert will be available for a small extra cost.  If you have not been out to the campground in a while, take this time to stop by, get some great food, help out the campground, and take a tour to see what is new.  Members of the board will be available to take you around to see what has been happening. If you would like to donate desserts for the fish fry, someone will be available all day at the dining hall or give us a call and we can arrange pickup.  Call Don Donovan at 765-592-1575 for more information.

Whats been happening?

Progress has been made over the last few weeks.  The bathroom stalls that were purchased from the school being torn down in Terre Haute have been installed in the women's bathroom in the dining hall.  A little more drywall work and some paint and they will be ready for use.  On Saturday, work was started on framing the walls for the stalls in the men's room.  They will be drywalled, the waterlines finished up, and the stall doors installed and then they will be ready for paint. Also on Saturday, the layout of the west shower house was completed.  The site has been cleaned up, sub-base fill installed and now we are close to being ready to dig the footer and get it poured.  Then the drain lines will need to be installed and we can pour the floor.  We hope to be ready to lay the block walls this summer.  Of course, we need some warmer weather to do some of this concrete work. If anyone is interested in working on any of these projects, please let us know.  We can always use mo

Summer camps

We do have a few open dates for camps this summer, but please contact the caretaker for open dates before firming up your schedule.  While we try to keep the on-line calendar up to date, there can be some lag time occasionally.  Please fill out your application and get it in as soon as posible.  We are also taking applications for 2014 if you know what dates you might be looking at.  If you have any questions concerning reservations, please contact the caretaker.

Re purposing of bathroom fixtures

Don Donovan, Peter Donovan, and Bob DeCamp spent most of the day last Saturday stripping out bathroom stalls and fixtures from the old Chauncy Rose school in Terre Haute to be re purposed in the dining hall bathrooms.  Thanks for your help and God Bless each of you.  If anybody would like to assist in installing them in the dining hall, let us know!  Thanks.

Thanks for your support

The board would like to thank the many churches and individuals who make regular contributions to the campground.  It is with your support and God's Grace that this campground is becoming a reality and fully functional facility.  Thanks for your support and your prayers.


The board would like to thank the Rosedale Baptist Church for their donation of six new roasters to the campground.  They will come in real handy when we make chicken and noodles for the 4th of July Festival and during the summer camping events.  Thanks again and God Bless you!

Big Thanks

A big thanks to Bob DeCamp, Dan Baty, Don Donovan and Peter Donovan who spent part of their day last Saturday pulling wire to finish up the electrial work in the dining hall.  Little by little we are making progress on getting all the electrial work completed.  Thanks again guys, God Bless each of you.