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Showing posts from July, 2011

Dining Hall HVAC Installed

A big thanks to all the adults and youth from Michigan who spent a week installing the HVAC system in the dining hall.  It was a very warm week working in the attic, but everyone prevailed and the system is almost ready to make cold air.  Thanks to each person who helped with finances, the churches who provided food, the ladies who cooked the food, and everyone else who helped in any way.  Thanks again and God Bless each of you. Thanks to everyone who helped with the 4th of July Festival in Brazil.  Thanks to everyone who helped serve, make noodles, cook noodles or in any other way.  The campground will use the proceeds for ongoing projects at the campground. God Bless each of you. Just a reminder that the campground will be hosting an all you can eat County Rhodes Fish Fry on August 6th from 4-7 at the campground.  Come out, see all the work accomplished on the dining hall, have a great meal, fellowship with your neighbors, and support the ...