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Showing posts from 2014

We welcome new caretakers

We would like Jeremy and Megan Palm as the new caretakers of the campground. They are currently finishing moving in to the house and have begun their duties. If you have any questions, stop by and visit with them. We also want to take this time to thank Dan Baty for his years of service as caretaker. May God Bess each of you!

2014 camp season

We are in the middle of the 2014 camp season. Take a few moments to pray for all the campers, that they may have fun, be safe, and most importantly learn about the saving grace of Jesus Christ!

Campground Use

We still have some date available this summer for camps, please contact the caretaker to make arrangements. The applicaiton is located on the website and has all the rules for use of the facility. We also accept applications for the dining hall to be used for reunions, graduation parties, or wedding receptions. Again, check the application for all the applicable rules.

Brazil 4th of July Festival

The campground will once again be selling chicken and noodles during the annual 4th of July Fesival at Forest Park in Brazil July 2-4. If you can volunteer to help serve, call Don Donovan at 765-592-1575. We will be serving 5-9 on July 2 and 3rd and from noon to 9 on July. Come out, eat some great food, help out the campgound and enjoy the festivities.