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Thank You, Upcoming Events & Campground Visitors

A big thanks to everyone who came out on June 20 to make noodles to get ready for the 4th of July Festival in Brazil.  With many willing hands, we were able to turn 15 dozen eggs and a lot of flour into noodles in less than 2 hours.  Thanks to all that helped and God Bless each of you.

The campground will be selling homemade chicken and noodles July 2-4th at Forest Park in Brazil.  Stop by and support the campground with a plateful or get some to go.  If you would like to help serve, we can always use some help so let us know.

A group of volunteers from the Men and Women of Action will be at the campground June27-July 1 working on installation of the Heating and Cooling system in the dining hall.  These folks are all donating their time to help with this project.  We sincerely thank each of them for giving of themselves and their time and God Bless each of them.  If anyone would like to help, please stop by and we will put you to work.

We welcome visitors at any time, but please let the caretaker or someone else know.  If there is a group using the facility, please check at the dining hall before proceeding to any other parts of the campground.  Thank you for your consideration.

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