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Fall and Winter projects

Since there is limited camp activity over the fall and winter, it makes for a great time to get some large projects completed. We will be working over the winter to get the exhaust hood and fire suppression system installed in the kitchen. This is a major, but very necessary project. If anybody would like to help, please let us know. We will also be completing finish work in the dining room, as well as trying to get most of the wire pulled and the electrial work completed. We would also like to finish up the bathrooms. As you can see, there is lots of things to do and almost all of it is completed with volunteer labor. If you are skilled in any of these areas or just would like to help out in some way, contact us and will be glad to notify you of workdays.

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Please join our Facebook page for more updates on campground events and pictures,  search for our page today at FBC Christian Youth Campground in Brazil Indiana 

What we offer!

8 cabins, a dining hall, two show houses, new basketball court, lots of rural scenery to explore, come visit and schedule a camp in rural Indiana!  #campground, #Christianyouth, #camp, 

New stuff at the campground!

Due to many donations and a lot of volunteer labor we now have a full length basketball court for you to enjoy!   We also plan to have a gaga pit and 9 square ready for the 2024 camp season!