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Wabash Valley Community Foundation grant

The campground was blessed to receive a grant from the Wabash Valley Community Foundation (Clay County) to help start construction of the west shower house.  We would like to use this grant to pay for constructing the floor, foundation, and plumbing rough in.  We already have enough concrete blocks to build the shower house and a blocklayer willing to volunteer to lay the block.

The grant from the Foundation is a matching grant, therefore we must raise the same amount of funds to match what the Foundation will be giving us.  If you are interested in making a contribution as we near the end of 2012, we can apply it toward this match and get the shower house construction under way.  If you would like to make a donation toward the match, please contact Board President Perry Mager at 765-548-2412 or Board Treasurer at 765-720-9056.

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