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Country Rhodes Fish Fry on May 4th at the Campground.

Don't forget to stop by the campground on May 4th from 4-7 pm for our Country Rhodes Fish Fry.  All you can eat walleye, shrimp, and chicken, along with sides for $9.00 for adults and $6.00 for kids 12 and under.  Dessert will be available for a small extra cost.  If you have not been out to the campground in a while, take this time to stop by, get some great food, help out the campground, and take a tour to see what is new.  Members of the board will be available to take you around to see what has been happening.

If you would like to donate desserts for the fish fry, someone will be available all day at the dining hall or give us a call and we can arrange pickup.  Call Don Donovan at 765-592-1575 for more information.

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