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FBC will be hosting the FBC 5K TRAIL RUN/WALK on Saturday, October 26, 2013 at the FBC Christian Youth Campground.  The route has been mapped out in such a way that participants will be able to enjoy God's beautiful creation.  The terrain will vary, involving winding through the woods and crossing an open field.

The Campground, located at 525 E. CR 1200 N., Brazil, IN 47834, has hosted many different types of events in the past, but this is the first of its kind.  Earlier this summer the Brady Shoemaker Baseball Camp was a huge success and excitement about that event has prompted the FBC Events Planning Committee to develop more ways to reach out to the public to create awareness of the campground.

As with any venue, expansion and maintenance are always an issue.  FBC Christian Youth Campground is dedicated to being the best it can be while providing an excellent location for groups and churches to share the Word of God.  The 5K TRAIL RUN/WALK is a benefit fundraiser for the campground.

Early registration cost (on or before 10/18/13) is $25 and will include a Tshirt.  Late registration fee (after 10/18/13) is $30.

Participants can register online at or call 317-362-5539.

Register by mail by:
-making check payable to FBC Christian Youth Campground
*email address
*shirt size
-addressed to:  FBC Christian Youth Campground
                        c/o 12639 NCR 500 E
                        Reelsville, IN 46171

Start time on the morning of the event is 9:00 AM ET.  Late registration begins at 8:30 AM ET.

It's a beautiful time of the year!  Be sure to register yourself and your family for this fun event.  And please pass the word along to your friends and church family so they can be a part of it too!

Stay tuned because we'll continue to keep you updated and will include some preview pictures of the course.

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