The Brady Shoemaker Baseball Camp held on August 17 at the campground was a overwelming sucess! Approximately 150 boys and girls 7-14 turned out to learn more about the great game of baseball. Brady and all his volunteers were great with the kids as they rotated from station learning more about hitting, fielding and other aspects of the game. The weather was great as parents and grandparents enjoyed watching their youngsters having fun. A great big thank you goes out to all the folks who organized the event, those who donated supplies, and to those who gave of their time to volunteer. Not only does the campground thank you, but all those kids thank you also. God Bless each of you!!
8 cabins, a dining hall, two show houses, new basketball court, lots of rural scenery to explore, come visit and schedule a camp in rural Indiana! #campground, #Christianyouth, #camp,